Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Principal's Address

you place is precious

Ms Leong addressed us on our attitudes.

As quoted on her talk " I know many of you are unhappy to be in this school. But I must tell you that since you are already in this school, you are my student.."

She knew. That must be from past year experiences too.

She also added that many tried to appeal into AJC but there were not enough places to accomodate them. Yet, those that were posted in were unhappy about it.

From what I heard, other schools also accepted around 900 students.
However, the school size is not proportionate to the number of students it takes in.
Thus, there is always a lack of tables in the eating area, causing many unnecessary disappointments among students.

So, why take in so many when you know the school does not have enough space?

She also emphasized on our school vision and mission.

source taken from http://www.andersonjc.moe.edu.sg/about/vmvm.htm

"A vibrant and collaborative learning community where caring leaders are groomed to be best for the world"
The school is too old to be described as vibrant community, while best for the world is too exaggerating.

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